Measuring mixers & extruders
The Labo Plastomill incorporates small size mixer and extruder and is used to evaluate prosessability i.e. mixing, extruding, gelation, dynamic thermal stability, etc. of plastics and rubber, etc.
Knowing processing characteristics of polymer materials such as thermoplastic resins, thermosetting resins and elastomers is very important for cost reduction and quality control.
In developing of new materials in addition to knowing the processing characteristics it is also important to find out through simulation whether the material can be molded or not and determine appropriate processing conditions.
This Labo Plastomill perform these tests on small quantities of samples, mainly the following tests.
- Processing characteristics evaluation test by small mixer (30 to 90cm3)
- Simulation and other evaluation tests by small extruder (Ø20mm)
The Labo Plastomill is a practical testing machine (shear force acts) which provides many reliable information necessary for molding process and is already being used in numerous industries and related fields for this purpose.